PT Archi Indonesia Tbk (“Archi”) has high commitment to environmental management. Therefore, policies established are supported by regular internal reviews, third party routine reviews, and environmental management systems that are in line with ISO 14001: 2015.
The environmental management policies issued are based on identification, assessment, and risk control of raw materials throughout the company’s business phases (from exploration to development, operation and mine closure). In making decisions, Archi always involves all stakeholders and considers their perspectives and knowledge.
Archi is always committed to avoiding or minimizing the environmental impact of activities it carries out. In addition, Archi also always strives to preserve resources and raw materials to provide sustainable environmental benefits.

PT Archi Indonesia Tbk (“Archi”) has high commitment to environmental management. Therefore, policies established are supported by regular internal reviews, third party routine reviews, and environmental management systems that are in line with ISO 14001: 2015.
The environmental management policies issued are based on identification, assessment, and risk control of raw materials throughout the company’s business phases (from exploration to development, operation and mine closure). In making decisions, Archi always involves all stakeholders and considers their perspectives and knowledge.
Archi is always committed to avoiding or minimizing the environmental impact of activities it carries out. In addition, Archi also always strives to preserve resources and raw materials to provide sustainable environmental benefits.
Archi has an Environmental Policy that outlines its commitment to environmental stewardship. The Policy is supported by our Environmental Management System (EMS), which is aligned with ISO 14001:2015 a variety of leading environmental standards, guidelines and regulations, and regular internal and third-party assurance review.
The policy on environmental management is based on identification, assessment and risk control of material across its business phases, from exploration to development, operations and closure. Archi involves all stakeholders and consider their perspectives and knowledge in its decision-making.
Archi’s goal is to avoid and minimize the environmental impacts of its operations, while contributing to sustainable environmental benefits in the locations wherever it operates. In addition to direct environmental management activities, Archi also seeks to conserve resources and materials, to deliver sustainable environmental benefits.

Bio Diversity Program
Archi Indonesia is committed to biodiversity conservation. One of the things that has been done is the involvement of external experts to study the sustainability of Yaki (Macaca Nigra), a local fauna.
Archi Indonesia also collaborated with relevant institutions and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to plant mangroves in one of the affected areas, namely in TWA Batuputih Tangkoko, as well as Kalinaun and Rinondoran areas.
Archi Indonesia also helps socialize benefits of protecting flora and fauna into villages around mine area. As part of mine rehabilitation plan, our company continues to renew and reopen the land affected by mining operation. This is done by nursery and tree planting in affected areas, waste disposal areas and other non-use support facilities. Until the end of June 2018, more than 140,000 trees have been replanted.

Water Management
To maintain the availability of surface water and maintain the supply of water resources, Archi Indonesia conserves water resources through several activities, namely:
- Utilization of mining water (rainwater or intersected aquifer) for watering roads and production facilities;
- Utilization of rainwater collected in sediment ponds to meet the needs of production facilities, dormitories, and washing heavy equipment and light vehicles;
- Water management with a reuse system from tailings pool (TSF) that recycles about 70% of the water used in the plant.
This effort is intended to ensure that all water used in the production process and supporting activities can be recycled and wastewater returned to water bodies after meeting environmental quality standards in accordance with the provisions of various regulatory standards.
Reclamation and Mine Closure
Archi Indonesia has a mine reclamation and closure program that refers to a plan that has been approved by the Director General of Mineral and Coal (Minerba). Until the end of June 2018, the area reclaimed and revegetated has reached more than 170 hectares. The planned mine closure itself is expected to begin in 2026-2030. But the closure plan can still change again depending on ongoing exploration activities.
Environmental Award
Overall, Archi through MSM and TTN has received “ADITAMA” with rating “Gold Award” related to mining environmental management awards for consecutive years since 2013-2019 from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) of Republic Indonesia, and “PROPER” awards with a “Blue” rating for nine consecutive years since 2012-2020 from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) of the Republic of Indonesia.
Additionally, in September 2020, Toka Tindung Gold Mine was also selected by MEMR as a “National Vital Objects”, which reflects Archi’s commitment in becoming a company that has an important and vital role for the surrounding community, and the Indonesian state in general.