Mineral Resources
As at 31 December 2020, the Mineral Resources at Toka Tindung Gold Mine comprised of 139.1 million tones, with head grade averaging 1.2 g/t (Au) and 2 g/t (Ag), for 5,528 koz of contained gold and 10,953 koz of contained silver.
The summary of Mineral Resources at Toka Tindung Gold Mine as at 31 December 2020, as follow:

Source: SRK Consulting (Australia) Pty Ltd
Mineral Resources
As at 31 December 2020, the Ore Reserves at Toka Tindung Gold Mine comprised of 98.3 million tones, with head grade averaging 1.23 g/t (Au) and 2.57 g/t (Ag), for 3,884 koz of contained gold and 8,118 koz of contained silver.
The summary of Ore Reserves at Toka Tindung Gold Mine as at 31 December 2020, as follow:

Source: SRK Consulting (Australia) Pty Ltd