Support Series to Anticipate Covid-19 Pandemic for Near-mine Communities
Support Series to Anticipate Covid-19 Pandemic for Near-mine Communities
Saturday, 16th May 2020
Going into the forth month of Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia, Archi through its subsidiaries, MSM and TTN, continued to provide aids to the near-mine communities. After had completed providing aids to hundreds of householders in 15 villages which located in South Likupang and East Likupang sub-districts, this time MSM and TTN also provided aid assistance in the form of foods and masks to the people in Pinasungkulun, Batu Putih Atas and Batu Putih Bawah region, which all are located in Ranowulu district, Bitung. The aids were handed directly by one of the MSM and TTN Directors, Mr. David Sompie, to Mr. Dolfie Rumampuk, Head of Ranowulu district.
MSM and TTN along with all companies under Archi Group hope that these aids can slightly relief the burdens of near-mine communities, which some of them have lost their source of income due to mobility restriction set by the Government, and also hope that Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia will soon ends.