Work Visit by the North Minahasa Regent to Toka Tindung Gold Mine Tailing Storage Facility (TSF)
Work Visit by the North Minahasa Regent to Toka Tindung Gold Mine Tailing Storage Facility (TSF)
Friday, 06th November 2020
On this day, the Regent of North Minahasa region, Mr. Clay J. Dondokambey, visited Tailing Storage Facility (TSF) of Toka Tindung Gold Mine. The purpose of the visit was to see the overall process of putting the waste and residues from the operations to the TSF, and to ensure that the TSF is working properly, to avoid threat of environmental carbon footprint, if it were to experience failure.
Building a TSF, which has a function to capture all the residues and wastes resulted from ore extractions in the processing operations, is one of Archi’s commitment to achieve a friendly and sustainable environment business practice. The TSF itself is a downstream construction which is the most physically stable dam design based on ANCOLD guidelines and permitted by Dam Safety Committee at Ministry of Public Works. In order to ensure that the TSF remains safe and to avoid any future adverse environmental impact, the Company monitors and regularly conducts geotechnical tests and assessments, which include collecting samples at the site, as well as regular inspections, including from the Government.