Plant Nurseries at the Impacted Former Mining Areas as Part of Archi’s Reclamation Program
Plant Nurseries at the Impacted Former Mining Areas as Part of Archi’s Reclamation Program
Wednesday, 25th November 2020
In line with the Archi’s and its subsidiaries (MSM and TTN) commitment to the implementation of Environmental and Safety Management, Archi carried out progressive reclamation at Toka Tindung Gold Mine site to manage and minimize environmental impacts, control erosion and sedimentation.
The progressive reclamation is done through plant nurseries at the MSM and TTN Nursery House, which are continuously carried out and monitored in order to prepare for planting and reforestation in impacted former mining areas. Overall, Archi has a mine reclamation and closure program that refers to a plan that has been approved by the Director General of Mineral and Coal (Minerba).