Company Overview
Integrated Pure-play gold producer
in Indonesia and Southeast Asia
PT Archi Indonesia Tbk (“Archi”) is one of the largest pure-play gold producers in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. Headquartered in Jakarta, Archi is majority owned by PT Rajawali Corpora (“Rajawali”), a leading investment holding company in Indonesia with various business portfolio in multi-industry and proven track record of building world class operation and creating shareholders’ value.
Archi owns 100% of the Toka Tindung Gold Mine, a pure-play gold mine located approximately 35km Northeast of Manado, the regional capital of North Sulawesi, Indonesia, through its wholly-owned subsidiaries – PT Meares Soputan Mining (“MSM”) and PT Tambang Tondano Nusajaya (“TTN”), which both are the Contract of Works (“CoW”) concession holders.
Archi has a long and proud history in carrying out exploration, discovery, development and operational activities. Since its establishment in 2009 and first gold poured in 2011, Archi through its Toka Tindung Gold Mine, has been able to produce approximately 1.9 million ounces of gold up to 2020, supported with a 3.6 Mtpa of processing plant capacity. This has been done through various cost efficiency initiatives and sustainable operational activities standard.
Behind its success story is solid management team and senior technical experts who have extensive experiences in exploration and production of precious metal, especially gold, and mineral industries. Rajawali plays a major role in Archi’s growth and development since its inception into the Company in 2009, and Rajawali has been assisting and supporting Archi in establishing prominent relationship with the central and local authorities.

In doing its business operations, Archi always upholds Good Corporate Governance (GCG) practice and implement highest standard of Occupational Health and Safety policy. Archi also puts a lot of focus and attention to promote its public contributions, especially on the environmental management and the communities’ development around mining site area.
Archi has also expanded its business portfolio, by proudly introducing Lotus Archi, with current brand name “Emas Merah Putih” through PT Elang Mulia Abadi Sempurna (“EMAS”) as its downstream business to penetrate retail consumers, adding to the line of excellent current businesses: gold mining, mining contractor and general consultation services. These new business expansions are aligned with the vision of Archi, which strives to be the leading, cost efficient, world class, fully integrated gold mining company in Southeast Asia.