Clean Water Supply for Near-mine Communities as Part of Archi Group’s Social Responsibilities
Clean Water Supply for Near-mine Communities as Part of Archi Group’s Social Responsibilities
Monday, 29th May 2017
MSM and TTN, in cooperation with Minahasa Regent and Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) of Republic Indonesia, carried out clean water supply program for community. This cooperation was outlined in a MOU which was signed altogether on Monday, 29th May 2017 by Sri Hartoyo, as the Directorate General of Cipta Karya, Vonnie Panambunan, as the North Minahasa Regent Head, and Terkelin Purba, as the President Director of MSM and TTN.
The ease of access to clean water is one of the basic issues which was faced by near-mine communities. On a national scale, clean water supply for communities program especially in villages is one of the Government’s agendas to achieve the agenda and program of the 6th Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely: clean water and sanitation for all, planned by World United Nations (PBB).
The total beneficiaries of this program are 2,126 Householders (KK) or around 8,077 people in total. Hopefully this development and organization of clean water management can be completed by mid 2018.