Gold Mining

Company Information

Name of Company

PT Meares Soputan Mining

Year Established


Business Activities

All Mineral other than Oil and Gas, Coal, Uranium, and Nickel

Effective Ownership

100.00% owned by PT Archi Indonesia Tbk

Company Information

Company Information

Name of Company

PT Tambang Tondano Nusajaya

Year Established


Business Activities

All Mineral other than Oil and Gas, Coal, Uranium, and Nickel

Effective Ownership

100.00% owned by PT Archi Indonesia Tbk

One of the largest
Integrated pure-play gold producers
in Indonesia and Southeast Asia

PT Archi Indonesia Tbk owns gold mining business through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, PT Meares Soputan Mining (MSM) and PT Tambang Tondano Nusajaya (TTN), both which are the holders of the Contract of Works (CoWs) of the 40,000 hectares of mining concessions located in North Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Established in 1986, PT Meares Soputan Mining (MSM), 100%-owned by PT Archi Indonesia Tbk, is the holder of the ‘4th Generation’ Contract of Work. The CoW of MSM was successfully renegotiated in December 2015 so as the CoW is valid until 2041, and have been guaranteed two more extensions, each for maximum period of 10 years.

MSM has a very prospective concession area of 8,969 hectares. Currently, MSM continues to carry out exploration, development and production of mineral resources, especially gold, in its Contract of Work area. Currently, MSM operates and mines out gold reserves from 3 open pits within its concession area, including Toka Tindung pit, Marawuwung pit and Araren pit.

Established in 1997, PT Tambang Tondano Nusajaya (TTN), 100%-owned by PT Archi Indonesia Tbk, is the holder of the ‘6th Generation’ Contract of Work. The Contract of Work of TTN was successfully renegotiated in December 2015 so as the CoW is valid until 2041, and have been guaranteed two more extensions, each for maximum period of 10 years.

TTN has a very prospective concession area of 30,848 hectares. Currently, TTN continues to carry out exploration, development and production of mineral resources, especially gold, in the Contract of Work area. Currently, TTN operates and mines out gold reserves from 4 open pits within its concession area, including Alaskar pit, Kopra pit, Araren pit and Talawaan pit. Previously, TTN had successfully mined out all gold reserves from the Blambangan pit, which now is being utilized as a waste pit.